Now is the Time to Register your Trademarks in China

13 January 2023

China’s Consumers are Confident and Spending: Now is the Time to Register your Trademarks in China

China’s economy is rapidly passing through the latest COVID infection phase, with consumers heading back to shops and restaurants and travelling locally and internationally. As happened in Australia after COVID we believe that many people are going to celebrate the greater freedom and increase spending. It is a promising time in China for Australian food producers to increase exports and we expect many Australian businesspeople will start travelling to China soon. 

Now is the perfect time to protect your brands in China. Using Sino Access China team is the simplest and most cost-effective way to register Trademarks. We utilise the same Chinese Government accredited Trademark Registration agents as used by lawyers, without the fees.

Michael Murtaugh General Manager of Buller Wines, a prominent century old winemaking company from Rutherglen, commented:

“China was a very important market for Buller and we are hopeful it will be again shortly. We use Sino Access to register our Trademarks in China and their service is really efficient and cost effective”

To find out more contact Philip Webley on 0419010032 or at email

For all enquiries please contact us on
0419 010 032